Collaborative projects and partnerships have helped me to overcome certain hurdles in my own practise, and dare I say it, in life! It’s a stereotype that gets flung about often, about creative folk (illustrators in particular!) being introverted and that they find it difficult to promote their own practise with out a deep sense of dread…. but in my case that has certainly been true.
It is a struggle and I’m pretty sure that if I was left to own devices and only worked on solo projects I would be falling into those traps more often. But I would encourage any creative practitioner (who is maybe reading this and can relate to the above), to consider a project which enables you to work with other collaborators. They don’t all turn out rosy, they can be incredibly challenging and you might have to go through one or two before one lands sweetly, but when you find the right team mate/s and the work you’re creating makes you smile, the art that can emerge and experience of making it are so valuable, I’m confident you won’t regret it.